Waterproofing Tips- Reinforced Bitumen Membranes
Waterproofing Tips: Reinforced Bitumen Membranes
Reinforced Bitumen Membrane material is one of the best method of roof waterproofing tasks. But you have to take note, this method must be processed by a professional waterproofing specialists in Singapore. The process of waterproofing using Bitumen Membrane involves laying few of layers of material, usually two or three, across the entire surface of the roof and bonded by hot bitumen, which is then combined with polyester to complete a waterproof membrane.
Appling Reinforced Bitumen Membrane material is done in several different ways. Four of the most common Bitumen Membranes methods are..
Pouring and rolling, Torching, Cold adhesive, and Self-adhesive. All of them pretty much better ways with the same results, so the applying method is pretty much a matter of preference.